Bailleul, France

Well, so the first big Eurpean adventure begins with the seemingly long trip to catch the Eurotunnel to France. I have to say that this is the only way to cross the sea to the continent. It is so quick and convenient! within 35 mins you are hitting the french Autoroutes and the gateway to the whole of northern Europe.

Due to the timing of our crossing, we had already decided that we would only travel 60-90 minutes once we had landed in France. This wsa to ensure that we didn't tire on day 1 of the long adventure.


Camperstops, Bailleul, France

First stop was courtesy of Camperstops at Bailleul, France. The car park was lovely and flat, and the village was really pretty. Having been couped up in the Motorhome for most of the day, we ventured out around the town to stretch our legs. We were astounded how pretty it was... and really quiet for a Friday night! We found the most important landmark - the boulangerie, where we would return in the morning once it was opened to sample the local delights.


Bailleul, France

The town looked even more striking the following morning in the daylight, but sadly we were moving on again as this was only ever intended to be a simple overnight stop on our way to Luxembourg.