Bergen, Norway

Having left Odda behind us, we headed towards the next big town on our route, Bergen. Before we went there, I knew very little about it apart from seeing the colourful wooden buildings lining one side of the water in the older part of the town.

The day involved more ferries and a gem of a waterfall that appeared just off the route we were travelling. Steinsdalsfossen was a reasonably impressive falls, but had we not decided that we needed a rest from the travel, we may have chosen to pass it right by. We have seen many more impressive and pretty falls during previous trips as well as on this visit to Scandanavia. However, while we were there, we walked the short clim to where the falls cascaded across the pathway which was quite impressive. What was less appealing was the number of other noisy and selfie obsessed tourists that were pouting to their heart's content. As a result, we got some pictures (difficult to get them without loads of other people in the shot) and headed back to the motorhome hoping to get back on the road to find some quieter and more attractive scenery.

As we arrived in to Bergen, again the weather had deteriorated to rain and low clouds seemingly rooted to the surrounding mountains. We searched for somewhere we could park to explore. Our first camper stop was overflowing with vans and more arriving by the minute. We headed on it towards the city and passed another that looked slightly suspect so opted to contionue looking. As usual, Sarah came up trumps and found us a secluded spot behind the university. Sadly, all the motorhome spaces were occupied. While we were stopped just across from the spaces planning our next move, this friendly German man approached our van. I thought he was going to say that he was going, but no, he said that he thought that we would fit in behind his camper in a small access lane. I felt that we should give this a go - and the spot turned out to be ideal for us, plus it as it was a Saturday, the parking was free up to 9am on Monday morning. Result. Another free camping spot.

Once parked, we donned our wet weather gear, grabbed a camera and our water bottles and headed out the short 10 minute walk in towards the centre of Bergen. We immediately noticed how appealing the architecture was even as showers threatened to dampen our moods. We were fortunate that the downpours were reasonably light and not constant. As we walked we took in the sights, sounds and colours of Bergen. It had a really nice feel to it. The bars seemed vibrant but no roudy - a bit of a shock considering that it was a university town, and a saturday night. Maybe the parties were all underground?


Bergen, Norway

The folliwng morning, the weather had lifted a little and we managed to get a few pictures of the town without the rain affecting the shots too much. We initially stuck to the tourist traps of the harbour, but soon ventured off the beaten track and found scupltures and street art all over the place. I would say quite hidden treats as nothing I read had suggested there was a big street art scene.

I have added the below pictures of some of the town and street art that we found.


