Bled, Slovenia

Following our visit to the capital of Slovenia, we were ready to head to the destination that Sarah had been looking forward to for the whole trip, Lake Bled.

Our journey was uneventful and at times a little boring, occasionally being treated to views across snow capped mountains (one of Sarah’s eye-spy turns - S.C.M!) and pretty little villages. The choice to take the main autoroutes had been inspired as we travelled far and consistently knowing that it would buy us more time once we got to the lake.

As we descended off the highway towards Bled, we had no idea what beauty lay in wait for us. On first impressions, the town of Bled was nothing special, but then we turned corner and were presented with a view across the jade green lake. As we navigated around the small road that travelled around the southern half of the lake, the views were just breathtaking. The water was so clear that we could see the bottom even as we drove. I tried not to look as I was trying to concentrate on the narrow roads, a decent amount of other traffic and the odd wandering tourist, but Sarah was enjoying seeing her first sights of the place she had been wanting to visit most on this trip.

We soon found the campsite, set ourselves up and were straight off to walk a lap of the lake (not for the last time!). I took so many pictures, I nearly wore my camera out! Thank goodness for digital cameras - and Sarah’s patience.


View across Lake Bled from outside our campsite, Bled, Croatia 

On our loop, we found that the town of Bled was much more appealing on closer inspection, containing many hotels, churches and posh residences along the edge of the spectacular lake. In the middle there was an island with only a hotel and a church, which made for some incredible photographs.


Over the next couple of days, we cycled around the lake, both in the day and evening (exciting night ride), and walked the circumference a couple more times during the day and night, plus climbed up to visit the castle overlooking the town of Bled. It was a fabulous couple of days in a truly magnificent place that we could have easily stayed for much longer.

My favourite activity was taking a rowing boat out across to the island while Sarah sat back and enjoyed the scenery.


