Bovec, Slovenia

After leaving Salzburg, Austria, we were keen to get on southwards as the weather had really changed for the worse. Our logic suggested that the further south we travelled, the better the weather was likely to become. We had been reasonably lucky so far, but the forecast was not looking good for any of the stops that we had identified.

However, we pushed on through Austria aiming for a stop in Slovenia somewhere in the mountains. The route took us on some incredible and terrifying mountain passes, going through ski resorts reaching up towards the sky, down through gorges that looked like they had been created as a film set. The scenery was simply spectacular.


A little treasure found on our route across one of the alpine passes.

By the time we had arrived in Bovec, Solvenia, the weather had remained grey, cold and rainy. We found our site easily using the SatNav and the site was only about 50-60 metres from the raging mountain fed river.

Having made camp we decided to go for a hike around the local village of Bovec. The mountains sporadically covered with clouds around their summits was beautiful albeit not colourful.


Alps surrounding Bovec, Slovenia

That evening, we were ‘admiring’ the weather from the warmth of the van, and noticed a young girl, obviously travelling on her own, carrying all of her hiking and camping gear. We commented that it must have been mentally and physically draining in the dreadful weather. Sarah jumped into action and suggested that we share our dinner with her as we had way more than we needed, and knew that the girl would likely appreciate a bit of hot food that she didn’t need to cook for herself.

As predicted, the girl was cold and seemingly very wet so really appreciated the kind act. Sarah found out that she was Czech and had been attempting to climb the local mountains but had been defeated by avalanches and bad weather.  Sarah was pleased to learn that her friends were all coming to join her the following morning, to go rafting and spend the weekend with her. I must admit that we were still a little worried about her. However, the following morning, a car and a minibus turned up and a dozen or so people piled out, and many raced straight over to the girl to dish out hugs and food. The group then played guitar, sang and danced until late which was lovely as they all joined in.

As we had already decided that the demand of the drive in to Bovec meant that we intended to stay a couple of nights, we made planed to venture out in the motorhome to the local top attraction, Slap Boca waterfalls.

When we arrived in a small car park, there was just one other van, our neighbours from our camp ground. From here, we easily found the pathway to the waterfall. What awaited us at the top of a challenging 20 minute walk across rough terrain, made all the effort worthwhile. The tourist sign told us that the initial drop of the waterfall was 106 metres before it splashed against the rock face. It was stunning.


Slap Boca, Bovec, Slovenia


Boka River, Bovec, Slovenia (Stone Tower)


Soca River, Bovec, Slovenia (Kayakers)


Soca River, Bovec, Slovenia


Soca River, Bovec, Slovenia

Having left the stunning river and waterfall, we returned to our camp ground and hunkered down for the night as the strong winds and driving rain had returned. We were pleased that we were warm and dry in the motorhome as camping in a tent did not appeal.

The following day we planned to head for Trieste, Italy, by the Gulf di Trieste to see what the coast offered.