Stavanger, Norway

We arrived in Stavanger with no real expectations of what we were going to find. We just knew that it was quite a large city almost directly on the route that we had chosen up the western coast of Norway.

As we arrived, we headed for the first signs of a tourist information that we could. We found a car park next to a supermarket that had signposted the tourist information was close. Once we had parked and bought a ticket we headed towards the sign that we had seen on the way in.

However, this one one of those occasions where it was both good and bad… the bad was that the tourist information was still approximately 3/4 mile away on foot, which seemed odd to have signed that the car park we were in was the best option. However, on the flip side we were treated to some great local street art as we walked, plus it was a very pleasant atmosphere all around the waters edge complete with a string orchestra in full flow. Although there was only one cruise liner in dock, we could tell that they were well set up to accommodate many more in the height of the holiday season. I’m not sure I would want to be in Stavanger when that happened - I feel that it’s attraction would soon fade when full of bustling tourists clambering over each other to get selfies and visit shops that they recognised the name of.


Street Art, Stavanger, Norway

Once we had taken in the information that the helpful girl in the Tourist Information had provided, we discussed our intentions for the next few days and agreed on making a few minor amendments to our original plan. Many of the suggestions that we had received seemed perfect for the kind of experiences that we were looking for while visiting Norway.


Like, Stavanger, Norway

After this we continued to explore Stavanger, trying to avoid the commercial centre in favour of the more culturally enriched parts of the old city. We were not disappointed. There was more excellent street art, historic and well cared for buildings and many small businesses that showed no signs of the global brands that we cannot seem to get away from across the UK.

Sadly, soon enough, it was time to head out of the city, so we headed back towards our parking place just as the thick grey clouds rolled in from the west. As we headed out of the city we were really bursting to get on to the next step in the trip - the road, the journey and the landscape were all calling us further up the coast.