Zadar & Trogir, Croatia

One of the places that had looked good on the reviews was Zadar. It wasn’t a huge drive from where we had previously been staying. However, on our arrival, we were greeted with a sprawling city, a lot of concrete housing blocks, dirty and rubbish everywhere. We found a free place to park our vehicle and, as we were not far from the old town, opted to walk the short distance instead of trying to get any closer with the motorhome.

The old town was nice but nothing special… in fact, once we had spent an hour or so walking within the city walls, we decided that we had ‘done’ Zadar, or as much of it as we fancied. It was not particularly photogenic, so below shot was the only shot that I actually took on our visit. Not like me to take one a single shot.


Zadar, Croatia

So, having decided that Zadar was not a place that we wanted to spend any more time in, we quickly headed out of the city to continue our navigation of the coast of Croatia. If this tour has taught us anything, it is to not spend time in somewhere that doesn't grab us instantly as there is likely to be something insanely beautiful just around the next corner.

So we continued in search of our next overnight stop. As we were on the road heading south, we noted that Split was the next large town on the signpost.  We remembered that we had been told good things by friends that had visited here so decided that it would deserve a visit, but that we'd try and stay just north of the town on a coastal site as there seemed little opportunity to be able to park or stay overnight in Split.

Following a quick search of the local camp sites, we found that there was a nice beach front site on the outskirts of a place called Trogir. As we headed there we passed next to the old walled city and decided to try and find somewhere to park up to explore this place on foot as the weather had brightened up a little and we knew that we were in for some poor weather for exploring.

Having headed a few hundred yards away from one of the bridges, we noticed a gravel haredstanding area, next to the sea, with a few cars and a Dutch motorhome. We quickly found a spot, wandered around and found no sign of needing to pay, plus the nice Dutch couple told us they had been there for 5 days with 'no problem'.

Trogir was the gem that we had left Zadar for and it proved our theory that there was always somerthing else around the corner.


Trogir Old Town, Trogir, Croatia

Sadly, the weather forecast was frustratingly accurate for a change, so on our second visit to Trogir on foot, the heavens opened and the streets were quickly becoming rivers. We initially thought that we would try and wait it out, but it simply got heavier, so we steeled ourselves for the wet and windy walk back to our motorhome. However, our spirits were not dampened by the weather as we had found another treasure on the Croatian coast.


View from our camp spot, Trogir, Croatia

As the weather closed in around us we decided to take advantage of our free spot and stayed for a couple of nights with the weather scuppering our plan to get out and about. We remained hopeful that the weather would break to be able to see Split in the sunshine.